Anime Review 50 Neon Genesis Evangelion (Redux)

Neon Genesis Evangelion is a throwback franchise for me. It may not be for some others but for me it was different. I may not be around on Evangelion’s heyday, I wasn’t born in the 1980s or anything like that I didn’t go watch the End Of Evangelion in the cinemas in 1997 and got... Continue Reading →

Anime Review 171 The Promised Neverland (Season 1)

This review was made in the 4th of January 2021 4 days before the first episode of season 2 aired. The reason why it wasn't released is due to me having COVID-19 meaning all of my reviews post Dr Stone had to be put hold so I can recover. Thankfully I made a quick recovery... Continue Reading →

Anime Review 181 ID Invaded

ID Invaded was one of the many wonders from the decade debuting season of anime that frankly came out of nowhere due to its uniqueness. It is a psychological epic mystery thriller that tackles the subject of serial killers. ID Invaded immediately immerses the viewer with its unique set up that establishes the tone and identity of the show. Our main lead Sakaido awakens in a virtual fragmented world where he discovers that he in pieces and screams yet he doesn't feel any pain. He soon questions and adjusts to the surrounding that he is in. He looks around the virtual house discovers a dead body in the room named Kaeru. Seeing the corpse reminds him that he's a great detective. From there... Continue Reading →

Anime Review 102 Selector Wixoss

What happens when you take Yugioh, Cardfight Vanguard, Madoka Magica and a pinch of Rozen Maiden. You get Selector Wixoss a card game anime that anime takes all the cliches and elements from the card and manages to flip them upside down. WIXOSS is a card game that's popular with teenagers. Supposedly there exist "LRIG... Continue Reading →

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